Today's guest is Bodie and Brock Thoene. Bodie and Brock have written over 45 books of awesome historical fiction. Their works include Zion Chronicles, Zion Covenant and their current series the A.D. Chronicles. They have sold millions of books and won 8 ECPA Gold Medallion Awards. Their website is: www.thoenebooks.com
And now without further delay, on to the questions:
Hi Bodie and Brock,
Question 1: What one word describes your current relationship with God?
Question 2: You have written over 40+ novels during your career. What's next for you both after the A.D. Chronicles?
More on the life of Jesus, until God tells us otherwise.
Question 3: Do you have a favorite book series that you have written?
The Shiloh books are personal favorites because all the characters are family. The A.D. books have had the greatest impact on our faith walk, because we always learn ten times more than we can put in a novel. (In fact, that's where the "Little Books of Why" came from.)
Question 4: What is one thing you want people to take away from your books in regards to our relationship with the Lord?
That all through time...all ages and all events...people lived who were just like us in their hopes, dreams, problems and needs...and God was always...and is always...faithful.
Question 5: If there wrote a Christian biography about your life what would it be called?
Comfort Ye My People.
Thank you Brock and Bodie for participating in this.
So there you have it folks. Please go out and purchase the A.D. Chronicles today.
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