Today's guest is Anne Jackson. Anne is on staff at Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN and is the author of Mad Church Disease. She is an active blogger and has traveled with Compassion International
And now without further delay, on to the questions:
Hi Anne,
Question 1: What one word would describe your current relationship with God?
Question 2: You were very open in your book, Mad Church Disease. Was there ever a moment when you hesitated in being so transparent?
A few times...sharing that I still struggle with trusting people in leadership, all while taking a new job in leadership, was a little risky. Also sharing the quick bit about abuse was difficult.
Question 3: Your book covers a fair bit of ground in the area of burnout. How long did it take you to write the book?
It had been in my head for six months, and then took another six months to put it on paper. Then it went through six months of editing...but there are chunks of it I wrote two or three years before the book was even an idea.
Question 4: How big a part do you think fear plays in the area of burnout?
A ginormous part! I think we're afraid to show we struggle, afraid to ask questions, to share what we think, afraid to get fired, afraid to lose our position and power...so we keep quiet.
Question 5: If there was a Christian biography written about your life what would the title be?
The Girl who Turned to Chocolate: A True Story of "You are what you eat"
Thank you Anne for participating in this.
There you have it folks. Please go out and purchase Anne Jackson's book today.
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