Today's guest is Erin Bethea. Erin is a professional actress who recently starred as Catherine Holt, one of two main characters in the hit film Fireproof. She is currently an actress in the Magic Kingdom. She is now the co-host for OMX: On Mission Xtra, a show that will tell the stories of people all over N. America who are doing things to change the world's culture while reaching people with the Gospel.
And now without further delay, on to the questions:
Hi Erin,
Question 1: What one word would describe your current relationship with God?
Overwhelming. It is overwhelming what God has done for me, when I am so undeserving.
Question 2: Fireproof was a major hit in Christian circles and made some box office noise as well. Were you surprised by the response?
Yes and no. I think during shooting we all knew that we were a part of something great and hoped that people would catch the vision and the message. We were all thrilled with how well it did and just grateful that so many people were able to hear such a great message.
Question 3: You did a tremendous acting job in Fireproof. What's next for you?
Thank you. Right now I am still working at Disney. I am also co-hosting a television show for the North American Mission Board called OMX. It airs on FamNet and encourages people to take a fresh approach to missions and reaching their communities.
Question 4: How do you feel acting can help you in sharing God with others?
I feel that entertainment is a great medium for reaching people. Part of the reason Sherwood started making movies is because more people will go see a movie than will go into a church building. The same principle can apply to acting. People want to be entertained. Why not let that entertainment be from people with a positive message. I think it's important to have more positive role models.
Question 5: If there was a Christian biography written about your life what would the title be?
Ha ha, who knows. I'm only 26 so hopefully my biography isn't being written yet.
Thank you Erin for participating in this.
Thanks for thinking of me. God bless and take care!
There you have it. If you haven't seen Fireproof yet you can rent or purchase it today.
To see past 5 Question guests, check out the rotating interview links on the sidebar.
Erin Bethea on your blog! That's too COOL!
She's a celebrity, but at the same time she's not all that different than you and I, is she? She says, "It is overwhelming what God has done for me, when I am so undeserving." What follower of Jesus cannot say that?
Thank you, Rick and Erin.
Amen to that. We are so undeserving.
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