
Hitting the Wall

I have been talking about the Israelites journey from Egypt to the Promised Land the last couple of weeks at church.

Following the journey and drawing comparisons between their journey and our own walk with the Lord, I have tried to draw out elements that can be used as a parallel.

This week I was going to talk about Jericho. Then I hit a wall. I encountered my own Jericho in the midst of preparing this message. My Jericho is fear. A wall of fear has been built up in my life that seems to stand strong and impenetrable in the midst of the Promised Land.

While enjoying the blessings God has provided, I still have this thing...this fortress to the enemy. I know when the wall was built, I know the history of this enemy camp....yet long has been the siege against it.

So this week I have been doing battle.

I look at what the Israelites did when they crossed the Jordan. They built a memorial to the Lord. I have been looking back at my own memorials. Remembering and celebrating what the Lord has done in the past in my life, particularly in these areas.

I am also looking at how the walls of Jericho came down....the people worshiped and sought the Lord but he did the work. They had to operate out of faith. I've been trying to do that. Praying more, seeking the Lord, worshiping. I am recalling Scriptures like 2 Tim. 1:7 and trying to stand on faith.

I believe the walls are starting to crumble. However I want to stand on guard, to keep at it...I know that after Jericho falls, there was still Ai. The Israelites let sin in the camp and got their hat handed to them by the enemy. I need to stand on faith but also to walk in victory!

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