Today's guest is Clay Crosse. Clay is a 3 time Dove Award winning singer/songwriter who has recorded 5 albums, 2 compilation albums and a live worship album. His best known songs include, "I Surrender All", "I Will Follow Christ" and "My Place Is With You."
Clay and his wife Renee also co-wrote the book, "I Surrender All: Rebuilding A Marriage Broken By Pornography" and they founded a ministry together called Holy Homes.
And now without further delay, on to the questions:
Hi Clay,
Question 1: What one word would describe your current relationship with God?
Question 2: I found your book, I Surrender All: Rebuilding a Marriage Broken By Pornography, to be very impacting. I also struggled with porn in the past. Was it hard to be this vulnerable in your book?
Yes, it was actually not only hard, but truly painful to put that story in writing. But once it was done, I could see that God would use it for amazing work in other peoples lives.
Question 3: God has worked a restoration and healing into your marriage and you started Holy Homes to encourage Christian homes to come back to God. Can you describe the ministry of Holy Homes?
It's a marriage ministry basically, though it seems to speak to singles and divorced as well. My wife Renee and I simply go in and encourage Christian marriages to recommit their homes to Christ. All the while not shying away from our testimony of God's grace in our life. Yep....warts and all. He communicates and softens hearts with that, so we just go with it. All for the cause.
Question 4: What is your prayer for the body of Christ?
For us to see Him much larger and clearer and present than we do. In this regard, I don't think we are anywhere close to reality. We tend to categorize and make Him smaller in our perception. To quote the band U2, "stop helping God across the road like a little old lady." Yep...He's a bit larger and stronger than we imagine.
Question 5: Clay you are recording a new CD, Anthems, how is that going?
The Anthems CD is almost done. I'm quite pleased and VERY thankful God has restored this voice. It should be available this summer/fall.
Thank you Clay for taking the time to answer these questions.
God Bless You.
There you have it. I would encourage you to check out Holy Homes and if you have not read Clay and Renee's gripping story, "I Surrender All" then please pick up a copy today..
To see past 5 Question guests, check out the rotating interview links on the sidebar.
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Thanks For the comment. I love that we have a miracle working God!
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