
The Irresistable Community

The table, the towel and the truth.  These are the three themes that author Bill Donahue weaves throughout his new book The Irresistible Community: An Invitation to Life Together.  

Set against the backdrop of the last supper, the author begins each chapter with a look at the events leading up to this meal through the eyes of each disciple.  He breaks the book down into the three aforementioned themes and the result is one of the most well written and insipring books I have come across in a long, long time. 

It wasn't long into the first chapter of The Irresistible Community before I began dog-earing parts of the book and going back and looking at it again and again.  I made notes, I found sermon ideas and I was challenged in my walk with the Lord. 

The idea of coming to the table with Jesus, picking up the towel of serventhood and hearing and speaking truth resonated with me.  This is a book I will go back to again and I look forward to mining for more nuggets of wisdom in coming seasons.

I encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself.

"This book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications and Baker Publishing in exchange for an honest review."

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