
Stepping into the unknown - Just A Thought #46

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1.

What is God calling you to do today? What about this week? Next year? Even when we know the plans He has for us, at times, it feels like a big, huge leap of faith. Let's be honest, stepping out in faith can be downright scary!
Obviously we need to pray about the things we feel He is calling us to do. Yet, when we know it is God, why do we hesitate?

Is it because we are stepping into the unknown? If we knew where He was taking us or what would be required of us, we might hesitate or even pull a Jonah and run the other way. I know I have felt like doing that before. When Sarah and I felt the Lord calling us to launch Main Street Christian Fellowship, I wanted to hop on the next boat to Tarshish! Actually I didn't really have a destination, I just wanted to run.

Why? I was a bit fearful of stepping out into the unknown. What if we did this and it failed, flopped, etc. What would people think? I really had not thought about what God would think if I failed to obey!

God wants us to step out in faith. To trust that He has everything under control and is aware of what will happen and what is required. Psalm 31:15 says, "My times are in your hands."

I think that's very important to look at. Do I trust that He has everything in His hands? Can I trust that God is God and that He has everything under control? I know the questions that run through my mind. What if? What if (something bad happens; I fail; I look foolish, etc.) are all questions that if we are honest have probably crept up when we feel God is asking us to step out in faith.

Maybe He is calling you to move...or worse for some of us, to stay where we are. Is God calling you to a new project or to drop a current one? Can you trust that He has your best interest at heart?

Stepping into the unknown is scary but well worth the adventure. You might fail. That's ok. Remember that His strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9)

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