
Fear, Doubt and Pain

As I am getting older, I am looking at things like fear, doubt and pain just a bit differently.

I actually consider them...dare I say...blessings. Let me explain.

When I say fear is a blessing it is because I am not talking about heart palpitating, terror of the unknown. I am talking about the kind of fear found in Proverbs 9:10 which says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

I want to develop this kind of fear (reverence) of the Lord.

When i say doubt, I am talking about the kind of doubt that drives me to the Son of God. The doubt expressed in Mark 9:24 where a boys father says to Jesus Christ, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

I feel doubt is a blessing when it causes me to draw near to God. When I cling to Him, reach for His Word, well it causes me to trust Him more.

Pain...ok call me silly but lately I look at pain as a blessing. Not that I wish it on myself or anyone else. Pain is a blessing WHEN it reminds me that I am alive. It also is God's warning system that something is wrong. In the end, it causes me to PRAY more.

Fear, Doubt and Pain are 3 things I used to avoid. 20 years ago I would have told a Christian to avoid these things like the plague. Now, I recognize the value WHEN they bring me closer to God.

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