
The Truth Isn't Sexy

Over the last couple of years I have become more aware of the issues of human slavery and sex trafficking.

Maybe you aren't aware of these issues and how prevalent they are. The International Justice Mission has 2 fact sheets with the basic info:

Sex Trafficking Fact Sheet
Human Slavery Fact Sheet

The International Justice Mission is fighting even now for those victims of sex trafficking and human slavery. I want to encourage you to check out their site and avail yourselves of their many resources. They have a prayer bulletin that I hope you all sign up for.

In addition, the Salvation Army has a website with a list of resources and links:

The Truth Isn't Sexy

Please, pray about this issue and find out how you can help.


shallowfrozenwater said...

here's a related post of mine if you're interested.


RDA said...

THanks I will check it out!