
Blogapalooza - Andrew Farley

Welcome to Blogapalooza.

I want you to meet some new people. I asked various friends and bloggers to share with you this month on my blog. So, all through the month of June I will feature different voices from around the world. Today I would like to introduce you to...

Andrew Farley

I was first introduced to Andrew via his book, The Naked Gospel which I reviewed on this site. Andrew was one of my guests on 5 Questions with...Andrew has graciously excerpted part of his book here for Blogapalooza. I would encourage you to read it and then go buy a copy of the book asap. You should also check out Andrew's ministry site: Ecclesia, Church Without Religion where he is the lead teaching pastor. Andrew is working on more books as you read this.


Forgiven and Cleansed, Or Not?

an excerpt from The Naked Gospel (Zondervan)

by Andrew Farley

We Christians are totally forgiven of all our sins, no matter what.


What about 1 John 1:9—“If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”? At first glance, this well-known verse appears to muddy the waters concerning once-for-all forgiveness. In many books and articles on the topic of forgiveness, this verse often serves as the foundation on which the author’s belief system is constructed.

Theologians and Christian authors will often agree with John that “your sins have been forgiven on account of [Jesus’] name” (1 John 2:12). But later you find them essentially saying that confession is needed to cause God to forgive you. The problem is that both statements can’t be true at the same time. Either we’ve been forgiven, or there’s a condition for us to be forgiven.

To resolve this dilemma, some Christian thinkers have proposed the following: Christians are forgiven eternally in God’s heavenly record books. However, unless Christians keep short accounts with God through daily confession of sins, they can’t experience God’s cleansing during life on earth. Hence, they claim that 1 John 1:9 is the believer’s “bar of soap” to maintain daily fellowship with God. And they use terms such as judicial, patriarchal, and forensic as they delicately dance around the reality of once-for-all forgiveness and push the idea of a two-tiered forgiveness system in which eternally God is satisfied, but right now we somehow maintain our own daily cleansing through a confession ritual.

This line of thinking is nothing short of rampant today in Christian teaching, and 1 John 1:9 is their one and only hallmark verse. Note that if verse 9 were not to mean what they claim it means (a daily “bar of soap” for Christians), the entire theology they have crafted would fall to pieces. Seminaries around the world warn us not to develop theologies based principally around one verse, but this has been an unfortunate exception among scholars and pastor-teachers alike.

First, it’s important to recognize that this verse stands as the only one of its kind. No other verse in the epistles appears to place a conditional “if” on forgiveness and cleansing. So if there was a method for maintaining daily cleansing, the Romans were unaware of it. If there was a prescription for keeping short accounts with God, the Galatians had no exposure to it. If there was a need to ask God for forgiveness, the Ephesians weren’t privy to it. Similarly, the Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians also missed this teaching.

If there were a daily method to maintain good status (fellowship) with God through ongoing confession of sins or pleas for forgiveness, wouldn’t you think it’d be mentioned in at least one epistle? Did God accidentally leave it out? Certainly not! The fact is that we must take a closer look at 1 John 1:9 to understand John’s intended audience and the context of this peculiar verse.


From the beginning of John’s first chapter, we see him addressing prominent heresies in the early church. John begins his letter with words such as heard, seen, looked at, and touched to describe his interactions with Jesus. He does this to emphasize the physicality of Jesus.

Today, we take for granted that Jesus was physical. Of course he was! No argument there. But two millennia ago early forms of Gnostic thought infiltrated the church and popularized the idea that Jesus was only spirit. Early Gnostics claimed that God would never stoop so low as to take on human flesh. So the apostle John purposely uses physical words in his opening statement to challenge this Gnostic heresy. Later, he says that anyone who doesn’t believe that Jesus came in human flesh is not from God (1 John 4:3).

If that’s the case, then who was John’s audience in his first chapter? True believers don’t claim that Jesus lacked a physical body. So John is notIf we claim to be without sin correcting believers in his opening statement. He’s addressing Gnostics who had infiltrated the early church and were teaching false doctrines. After establishing the physicality of Jesus, John then writes, “, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8, italics added).

Why is John now concerned about those who claim they’re sinless? Do you know any true believers today who say they’ve never sinned? Of course not! What’s the first step to becoming a believer in Christ? The first step is to admit you’re a sinner. Someone who claims that they have never sinned is not a Christian. So here John is concerned for unbelievers.

Interestingly, early Gnostic philosophers didn’t just deny the physicality of Jesus; they also denied the reality of sin. Gnostics claimed that sin wasn’t real or didn’t matter, since it took place in the physical world. So John opens his letter by attacking two Gnostic heresies: (1) Jesus as non-physical, and (2) sin as a non-reality.

Understanding John’s purpose in opening his letter this way is crucial. A poor interpretation of verse 9 leads many Christians astray. Again, verse 9 declares, “If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Some claim that this verse must refer to Christians, since John uses the word we. If that were true, one should hold that all preceding and following verses using we also refer to Christians. But this isn’t the case.

John uses we to politely combat Gnostic heresy. We see this technique in the following:

*If we claim to be without sin … (1 John 1:8)

*If we claim we have not sinned … (1 John 1:10)

Similarly, John uses the word us to draw conclusions such as these:

*the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8)

*God’s] word is not in us (1 John 1:10 NASB)

Is John referring to believers here? When referring to people who don’t have the truth in them or God’s word in them, does he include himself and the church in that group? Certainly not! John is politely saying that if we humans claim we have no sin, we’re liars and don’t have Christ (the Word and the Truth) in us. Clearly, John is talking about unbelievers.

So if an unbeliever has bought into the heresy of sinless perfection, what’s the only sensible solution? Let’s reread verse 9 to see if we can get John’s intent: “If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Verse 9 is a remedy for unbelievers who have been influenced by Gnostic peer pressure and are now claiming sinless perfection. John is essentially asking, “Instead of claiming that you have no sin, will you consider changing your mind? Instead of claiming you’ve never sinned, how about agreeing with God?” He’s inviting Gnostic heretics to rethink their point of view. If they’ll admit their sinfulness, then God can do a saving work in their lives.

So 1 John 1:9 is an invitation to become a Christian. And it certainly holds relevance today. If anyone claims to be without sin, they’re wrong. But there’s a solution to their misguided thinking. If they’re willing to change their mind and confess the opposite (that they do have sins), then there’s hope.

Did you notice that this verse declares they’d be purified from allall unrighteousness is reminiscent of forgiveness passages elsewhere in the epistles. Here, John isn’t asking for a one-by-one tallying of our sins in order for Christians to stay forgiven and cleansed. That would be ludicrous, given the impossibility for any human to truly comply! unrighteousness? The phrase

Think about it. You’ve already committed thousands of sins that you’ve forgotten about. You can’t possibly remember them in order to confess them and become forgiven for them. That’s why Christians have to be purified from all unrighteousness—once and for all!

Our Daily Bar of Soap

This contextualized interpretation of verse 9 may be new to some who have viewed the passage as a prescription for Christians who just committed an individual sin. First John 1:9 has been their “bar of soap” routine to stay cleansed and in fellowship with God.

What a tragedy! In adopting this view, we fail to acknowledge that only blood (not words) brings forgiveness. We miss the fact that Jesus’ once-for-all blood sacrifice brought lifelong cleansing. So we dialogue with God to feel forgiven and cleansed. This feeling serves as our confirmation that God just forgave us. But some aren’t able to conjure up this feeling. And as a result they end up doubting their forgiveness!

Confession Clarified

Let’s clarify an important point. The meaning of confess is “to say the same as” or “to agree.” Believers should agree with God on all counts—not just about sins but about everything. Although we don’t confess our sins in order to receive new portions of forgiveness and cleansing, we should still agree with God concerning the folly of sin. We’re his children, and it is only his ways that fulfill. We’re designed from the ground up to agree with him, depend on him, and live from him.

But it’s equally important to recognize that we don’t impel God or put him into motion through our confession. He’s not waiting to dole out forgiveness or cleansing. We don’t need to keep “short accounts” with God, since he has destroyed the record book!

God has taken away our sins. He remembers them no more. As believers, our forgiveness and cleansing aren’t dependent on our memory, our confession, or our asking. Our forgiveness and cleansing are solely because of the finished work of Jesus Christ.

The Other Confession

Sure, James talks about confessing our sins to each other and praying for each other (James 5:16). But he’s saying we should listen to each other’s struggles, offer counsel where appropriate, and pray for each other. The context of James’s exhortation to confess our sins to each other has nothing to do with God’s forgiving or cleansing us.

Confession to trusted friends and to God is healthy. It’s normal and natural to talk about your struggles with people who care about you. The indispensable truth to grasp, however, is that confession does not initiate cleansing in your life. We’ve already been cleansed “once for all” through the onetime blood sacrifice that needs no repeating.

Let’s be honest about our struggles, but let’s also be clear about what the cross accomplished.

Protestants and Catholics

Protestants may claim they’re more biblical than their Catholic peers, since the epistles contain no grounds for confessing sins to a priest in order to be forgiven. Some Protestants may even laugh at the idea of a confession booth or the ritual of going to Mass in order to obtain forgiveness. But these same Protestants may ritualistically apply 1 John 1:9 as their spiritual bar of soap. Is one view of forgiveness really any better than the other?

The Catholic goes to a priest, and the Protestant thinks he does better by appealing directly to God. But any system that doesn’t factor in once-for-all forgiveness is intrinsically flawed.

God doesn’t want us to think that human priests apportion forgiveness to us. Nor does he want us to envision his doling out forgiveness from heaven on a “first come, first serve” basis! Instead, he wants us to ascribe real meaning to Jesus’ declaration, “It is finished.”

Only then will we turn from sins for the right reason. Our motivation shouldn’t be to obtain forgiveness in return. We’re already forgiven and cleansed children of the living God. Our motivation should be the fulfillment that comes from truly being ourselves.


Melissa said...

I very much enjoyed this posting. I am not a parent, but I have been a child and some of the most confusing memories can be these questions. However, I had the experience that my mother was very honest with me. Maybe parents should use discretion in which age they offer such openness with their children, but they should be open with their kids, I agree.

RDA said...

Thanks Melissa.

Colleen said...

You are so mixed up in your theology and now you are passing this on to others. What is the point of evangelizing or telling anyone of Christ if we believe your theology? why bother telling people I mean it is all God work we don't have to change we don't have to do anything we just sit back and enjoy the ride. We don't have to search out our salvation in fear and trembling we according to you Andrew do not need to do anything. so You now can stop preaching for it is all done we are all forgiven we don't need to worry grace will cover us and we can live life any way we please there is no more moral code of conduct for everything God told us about behavior and how he hates a wicked man is now useless because well we are under grace. Everything God said well doesn't matter anymore for we are under grace we don't have to worry about what he wants for he already forgives us before we even sin so go ahead everyone sin and keep sinning for God well he will oover you with his grace don't need to ask for forgiveness when offending him or anyone else for that matter your sins in the future are forgiven. this is heresy and will lead you down a path to destruction watch out for wolves in sheeps clothing!