Col 3:19 says "Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them."
I bought a t-shirt not to long ago with the simple statement: I Love My Wife. Nothing fancy, just a plain blue shirt with I love my wife written in small print on the front. The shirt has special meaning for me. After 13+ years of marriage I can say the statement still holds true. However for me the meaning is even deeper.
You see I was a jerk. I did not always treat my wife as the princess she is. Due to sin in my life and not trusting God to help me I came very close to wrecking my marriage. However God is a God of restoration. He allowed me to bring my sin into the light and the He dealt with it. He also repaired my marriage in ways that were even better than the day I said, "I do!" To God be the Glory!
So when I saw this t-shirt it became a must have purchase for me. I received a few comments on it around town but nothing, NOTHING like what happened on a recent trip to Europe!
I was going through airport security in England when the security agent called attention to my shirt and asked if this could be true. Then a clerk at an airport shop asked if my wife bought it for me. I replied to both and made a note of the reaction.
However when I arrived in Croatia it was a whole new scenario. While sitting at a coffee shop with a friend a stranger walked up to ask if this could be true. He then wanted some details. Later that day another man stopped me in a park to ask about it and a clerk at a deli mentioned it as well.
So what is the big deal? Is it because so many marriages end in divorce? Is it because men don't make such public statements anymore? Has sin run so rampant that people don't believe in love anymore? Probably yes to all 3!
I believe God is a God of restoration. He did it for my wife and I. God is concerned for our families. He wants whole families taking forth His Word to the nations.
If you have a story of restoration I would love to hear it. Let's testify of God's goodness together!
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