Thomas Nelson has provided me an extra copy of a book I recently reviewed here. Now it can be yours:

Pujols: More Than The Game by Tim Ellsworth and Scott Lamb is an exciting book that takes you behind the scenes and let's you into what makes Albert Pujols tick.
This book is described as: A powerful story of the athleticism and strong faith of Albert Pujols, one of the all-time greatest baseball players.
It's definitely true. I enjoyed this book immensely. That's saying something for a diehard Yankees fan. Author Tim Ellsworth dropped by this blog recently to talk about the book. You can read that here: 5 Questions with Tim Ellsworth.
So how do you win? Leave a comment here about baseball, faith or baseball and faith and your name/contact so I can contact you if you win. One winner will be randomly selected on Monday morning.
By the way, if you are a baseball fan looking for a baseball forum to chat about the game, I highly recommend Baseball Nation!
I didn't realize there was a big rivalry between the Yankees/Cardinals, haha.
Pujols is one of the greatest players to ever play the game, gotta believe this is an awesome book.
Looks like a good read! I've already picked up Tony LaRussa's book 'Three Nights and August' and I would love to learn more about what happens behind the scenes in a Major League clubhouse.
Albert Pujols is one of those major leaguers who has such an influence on the game of baseball. I think it is great that he is sharing a positive spin to his life with sharing his faith with others. When players share post game comments we hear occasionally they give thanks to their Lord. This is so important because it shows the kids coming up that they are not always relying on themselves for their successes, but a higher power to help them through. Nik Nak (Nikole)
Albert Pujols is easily one of the most respected players in the entire MLB. He plays hard every game, has a huge desire to win, and has immense power and hitting ability to boot. He has left baseball fans all over in owe in his sheer ability to play the game of baseball. Just to know that Albert Pujols has faith in God is an awesome thought. God has blessed him with the amazing gift of baseball, and now God is using that to show His love in this book. It sounds like a great read!
~JoshRedcay (
Thanks Everyone. I will notify the winner via email.
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