Today will start a new monthly feature called: Missionary Spotlight. Each month I will highlight a different missionary that my wife and I know somewhere around the world. We encourage you to pray for them and their work. You will find contact info if you want to send them an encouraging note and also information on how to donate towards their ministry if you feel so led. I have asked the first missionaries we will spotlight, the Freckas, to write a bit about themselves. You can find out more info about Andy and Rachel Frecka, including contact info, at their website. www.handyrachet.com:
Let there be no talk of self denial. A team from an American church came to visit us in Perm, Russia in 1999 and asked, "Why did you choose to become a missionary, Andy?" I answered with the first thought that popped into my head: "It sure beats cutting grass for a living." There have been some good days and some hard days, but they were all with Jesus, and they were all a whole lot more interesting than cutting grass. We didn't bring Jesus to Russia. He was already here waiting for us, and boy were we glad for that when we got off the train! The best part of going into all the world is that He will be with us to the very end.
How's that for some random thoughts? :)
Andy and Rachel Frecka make their home in Perm, Russia together with their four small children. We have called Perm home for most of our adult lives, living here for ten years now. Andy is the national director of Youth With A Mission Russia, and is involved with multiple mission pioneering projects across the nation of Russia. He also has a teaching ministry in various mission schools throughout the former Soviet Union. It is our dream to see Russia reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and to see Russian missionaries sent long term to ALL nations.
Tax-deductible donations (tax-deductions for US donors only) to the ministry of Andy and Rachel Frecka can be sent to YWAM Accounting/Box 3000/Garden Valley TX 75771. Make the check payable to "YWAM" and attach a separate note that states "For Andy and Rachel Frecka". Our names should not appear anywhere on the check. Donations can also be made with the "donate online" feature at www.handyrachet.com
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