
I Want My Christianity Back (Just A Thought #29)

At the end of this Thought I have a link to another post where I am listing some ministries/churches that seem to be exemplifying relational Christianity. What is relational Christianity? It is another way of saying Christians meeting together in community and fellowship. Meeting each others needs spiritually and physically. To share Christ passionately! This message is simply a call for more of Christ’s followers to do what they are doing—to be missional: adopting the posture, thinking, behaviors, and practices of a missionary in order to engage others with the gospel message.

I’ve been talking to a lot of believers around the world lately, who seem really frustrated by the state of Christianity and the church today. I have received phone calls and emails from people sharing their frustration at what is not happening. The one thing people are saying over and over, is they want life! Realism! A vibrant Faith that makes a difference!

I am hearing this from Pastors, church leaders and church members. Pastors are expressing frustration at the amount of suffering and hurting people within their churches. People are expressing concerns with the number of programs and the lack of sermons addressing their real needs, while it seems politics and giving are the two topics getting the most attention. All around us people are dying....literally. People are physically dying in the streets and spiritually dying in the church.

What's going on? How did we get this way? Where did this train derail?

Jesus came so that we can have life. (John 10:10) He came to restore relationship between us and God the Father. To make a way for us to access Him directly. (Matthew 27:51) In the book of Acts we see the body of Christ meeting in one accord. (Acts 1:14)

For me the section of Acts right after Pentecost speaks volumes. In Acts 2:41-47 we see the believers meeting together in homes, meeting each others needs, even to the point of sacrificing their own belongings for those who have a greater need. There was community, fellowship and the Lord added to the church DAILY those coming to faith in Christ. Their lifestyle was a testimony. Their love and actions were a statement of Life in Christ.

Vastly different then what we generally see today.

We need to get back to basics, stripping away the Christianese (or at least explain it) and the "way we always do things" mentality. We need to quit intellectualizing the faith and speak to the common man and woman right where they are at: hurting! Jesus walked among the hurting; the needy and He spoke life. We have to shake off the spiritual lethargy we have gotten into and wake up!

Let’s get real and admit the mess that we, the body of Christ, have gotten into. Repent of our spiritual lethargy! Get into the Word and out into the streets, meeting people where they are at. Encourage those who are strong and lift up those who are hurting. Share a meal and our lives with one another. Walk with each other in the ups and the downs. Love one another….the way Jesus would really want us to.

As I promised, I am linking to a post where I have listed a few ministries that have inspired and challenged me and others like myself. I encourage you to check them out.

1 comment:

tjw1970 said...

What's going on? How did we get this way? Where did this train derail? I think it is simply the common "Christian's" lack of desire to study the Word of God for themselves. Most people are content to go warm a pew, listen to a pastor say some nice things that warm their hearts, and then go about their daily lives as if nothing has changed. I know...I was one of those people for a very long time. It wasn't until I really spent time and studied God's Word that I realized I did not have a saving faith...it has been a much longer journey (it seems) to really apply what I was learning to my life. I understand that the road to sanctification is a long one.

I agree with you about the church needing to get back to being relational. We attend a church that encourages worship + 2 - the two being joining (and attending!) a small group and working on a serve team. Does everyone do this - of course not, but those that do are quite blessed and are the ones growing in Christ and encouraging others.

Great post!